We appear  in publications about innovation and labor market issues. “The Alternative: How to Build A Just Economy”, published internationally in Jan. 2024, includes a full chapter on our work.

Nov 20, 2024Nonprofit QuarterlyFrom Gig Work to Good Work: How Workforce Policy Can Support Gig WorkersView
Sept. 12, 2024The Dynamist Podcast (Foundation for American Innovation)A ‘Public Option’ for the Gig Economy?Listen
May 25, 2023Rework The Bay collaborativeCreating an Equitable Marketplace for Flexible Work Across Alameda CountyWatch
May 9, 2023Brookings InstitutionTo enhance community services and empower workers, local governments are building their own gig work platformsView
Nov. 26, 2022Economics Explored podcast with Gene TunnyEp. 167/ Modern Markets for AllListen
Nov. 4, 2022The Workers Lab.We’re Working With Cities To Explore How Flexible Work Can Be Quality WorkView
Sep. 28, 2022CIGI: Center for international Governance InnovationIt’s Time to Build Public Utilities for Essential Digital ServicesView
Apr. 7, 2022Television OntarioThe Ford government thinks it can make gig-work companies behave? Dream onView
Mar. 21, 2022The Workers Lab.Announcing $1M investment to explore how flexible work can be quality workView
Dec. 10, 2021Canadian Government School of Public ServiceGig Work and the Reshaping of Modern MarketsRead
Oct. 1, 2021Unfinished Live eventBeyond Jobs: What’s the Future of Labor Platforms?Watch
Sept. 30, 2021Fast CompanyFostering innovation for and by workers could transform the gig economyView
Jul. 19, 2021Next City / Broke in PhillyA Look at CalFLEXI: Long Beach’s Experiment With Government-Run Gig WorkView
Jul. 15, 2021Prospect Magazine“In my dreams I’m still doing the deliveries": Inside the battle against the gig economyView
Jun. 17, 2021CIGI: Center for international Governance Innovation - VideosBrief intro: "Modern Markets for All"Watch
Jun. 17, 2021CIGI: Center for international Governance InnovationAn Emerging Opportunity for Recovery: “Modern Markets for All”View
Jun. 15, 2021Bloomberg Cities NetworkMayors Challenge: Announcing this year’s 50 Champion CitiesView
Jun. 6, 2021Financial TimesPoliticians should set common rules for digital marketsView
Jun. 2, 2021ForbesThe Tech Aristocracy’s ‘Guaranteed Income,’ And A Jobs-Based AlternativeView
Jun. 1, 2021American Compass PodcastsFrictionless ExchangeListen
Jun. 1, 2021American Compass EssaysGig workers deserve fair labor markets that private platforms cannot provide.View
Mar. 23, 2021The New YorkerShould Gig Work Be Government-Run?View
Mar. 19, 2021Brookings InstitutionWanted: A public option for finding work in the gig economyView
Oct 2, 2020Fox&Hounds: California Business & PoliticsRacial and Gender Justice Demand Labor Market InnovationView
May 21, 2020Grunion Gazette (Long Beach)Pacific Gateway, Skills4Care Provide Just-In-Time ChildcareView
Apr. 10, 2020Press Telegram (Long Beach)CalFLEXI connects essential workers to childcare amid coronavirus shutdown
Mar. 31, 2020City of Long Beach, Joint Information CenterPacific Gateway to Launch New ‘Work Long Beach’ ProgramView
Feb. 27, 2020RLN: Random Length NewsBeyond AB5: Tackling Wider Issues Around Unstable WorkView
Oct. 14, 2019Sounds & Words podcastA conversation with Wingham RowanListen
Sept. 25, 2019Capitol WeeklyAB 5: Small solution, big problems View
June 21, 2019Capitol WeeklyCalifornia can design the future of workView
May 15, 2019LBTV Long BeachPacific Gateway's new software connects gig economy workers to jobs
Screen Shot 2019-03-12 at 9.46.10 AMMar. 26, 2019Long Beach Business JournalPacific Gateway receives national honorView
Screen Shot 2019-03-12 at 9.46.10 AMMar. 11, 2019Long Beach Business JournalPacific Gateway Receives National RecognitionView
Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 5.37.43 PMFeb. 8, 2019California Workforce Association, PodcastElevating Irregular EmploymentListen
Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 09.57.06Jan. 31, 2019Chronicle of PhilanthropyDon't Fight the Gig EconomyView
CESOct. 4, 2018California Economic SummitThe Gig Economy is here. What are we going to do about it?View
Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at 15.58.38Sept. 13, 2018Kauffman Foundation CurrentsThe market is stacked against the low-skilled worker View
Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 07.01.30June 11, 2018BusinessWireUS Conference of Mayors, Wells Fargo Announce 2018 CommunityWINS GrantsView
Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at 07.02.48Dec. 2, 2017University of California TVElevating California's Irregular WorkforceWatch
1Oct. 1, 2017Governing MagazineAt Work, the 'Irregulars' Are Starting to Get ProtectionView online version
Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 15.32.08Sept. 25, 2017NAWB PodcastThe Rise of Irregular EmploymentListen
Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 15.31.16Autumn 2017CIPD (UK) Work magazineAll in an hour's workView
Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 14.01.15July 18, 2017Annie E. Casey FoundationWEBINAR: Gig Workers and the Public Workforce SystemView
Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 14.02.02July 18, 2017Annie E. Casey FoundationREPORT: Beyond Gig Work: Public Markets for Irregular EmploymentView
Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 13.59.43July 10, 2017Employment & Training ReporterEnvision System's Potential to Aid Gig Workers, Project AsksView
C2ERlogoMay 10, 2016Council for Community and Economic Research/Labor Market Information InstituteWebinar: Making the Gig Economy a Tool for Economic DevelopmentView
NLClogMay 6, 2016National League of Cities NewsletterA City Response to Labor Market ChangesView
SWF logoApr. 29, 2016Skoll World Forum The Changing World of Work: Does the Collaborative Economy Foster Trust or Inequity?View
R4Apr. 4, 2016BBC Radio 4, Digital HumanThe Future of WorkListen
1mlogoApr. 3, 20161m for Work FlexibilityTake 5: Wingham Rowan on the Flexible Labor MarketView
living_cities_logoMar. 23, 2016Living CitiesA Fresh Perspective on the Future of WorkView
CW logo newWinter 2015/16 editionCentre Write magazineThe Great Fragmentation: challenges for an on-demand economyView
Cl2015Oct. 20, 2015Bloomberg CityLab conference 2015Creatives, Contigents, Contracts - Re - Imagining The Future Of WorkPodcast
MELogoAug 3., 2015Market Express (India)An Uber labor market: do we let it happen?View
StarAug. 2, 2015Toronto Star“Tasker” movement championed as solution to Toronto’s precarious work problemView
R4Jul. 31, 2015BBC Radio 4The New Economy: Does Sharing Mean Caring?Listen
WM logoJul. 23, 2015Workforce Matters/National Council on FoundationsWebinar: Supporting a fragmenting workforce - a UK solution with US implicationsView
Urb1Jul. 6, 2015The EU - URBACT blogNew labour markets: how cities could leadView
Salt logoJul./Aug. 2015Salt MagazineThe rise and rise of the Sharing EconomyView
Prs-SIGJun. 25, 2015Social Impact Generation, Canada webinar44% of Toronto’s workforce is now precariously employed. Do we need an official response?Read Watch
Prs-CAMEOMay 18, 2015California Economic Development webinarHelp for Gig WorkersView
Prs-GrdianApr. 16, 2015The GuardianTHE LONG READ: One man's quest to meld Adam Smith and Karl Marx.View
PRS-WPOMar. 6, 2015Worldpost Future of Work ConferenceThe rise of irregular laborPreview
Prs-AspInJan. 27, 2015Aspen Institute webinarSharing Economy 2.0: A model from the UK for Improving the Gig Economy for WorkersView
Prs-AspInDec. 2, 2014Aspen Institute event: Washington DCThe Future of Work in the Sharing EconomyView
Prs-AJINov. 5, 2014Aspen Journal of IdeasIrregular Work for the 21st Century: a Model from Britain?View
PRS-WPOSep. 5, 2014Huffington WorldpostStartups Like Uber and Airbnb Will Continue To Disrupt Jobs. Here's What We Can Do About ItView
Prs-TechEAug. 28, 2014Techonomy Governments and Sharing: Lessons from the UK’s Beyond Jobs ProjectView
Prs-DemosApr 24, 2014Demos QuarterlyWorkers v. RobotsView
Prs-SSIRMar. 27, 2014Stanford Social Innovation ReviewA cliffhanger for the Sharing Economy: what will governments do?View
Prs-LongFinFeb. 17, 2014Long FinanceWhy Can I Ship 500 Tons of Ore from China in a Few Seconds, But I Can’t Get a Babysitter Tonight? The Challenge of Local MarketsView
Prs-PubWorlJan. 13, 2014Public WorldWhat if public policy reflected employment changes?View
Prs-TouchstoneNov. 1, 2013Trades Union Congress: TouchstoneZero hours and beyondView

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