To sustainably, lastingly, elevate an irregular workforce we must start with identifying local leverage. Which stakeholders will put weight behind an intervention?
How fundamental?
Possibilities for supporting irregular workers fall into two categories:
- Small-scale: Micro-apprenticeships, legal controls, training, and other variants on traditional initiatives can usually be costed with outcomes accurately anticipated.
- Infrastructure: If launched successfully, a new market for this labor will lastingly shift-the-dial for swathes of the workforce. But it’s more of a step into the unknown.
We believe new public infrastructure for hourly labor is key. It should mirror the aims of existing publicly-provided markets for traditional jobs. Exploring launch of a new flexi-labor market is not really about technology. You can have a version of our GoodFlexi system, or commission a build of your own. The challenge is “Market Making”; ensuring everything is in place for a robust launch that quickly grows to a critical mass of active users.
In this section:
→ Business case: With so many priorities, why support people with complex lives?
→ Market Making: How to get going in your area.
→ Setting the rules: Aligning GoodFlexi with local priorities.